Printworks has new digs! After working out of our basement for 8 months, we decided it was time for a move. We found a great studio space uptown on the corner of Canterbury and Duke Street. We now have a large office with a workshop in the next room. We love our new set up!
We started our search in July and it took us awhile to find just the right spot. We had a list of requirements which included:
- a nice bright space with lots of lighting
- access to running water (which we need for our wash out booth to clean our screens)
- an area for a dark room
And, of course, we wanted to have it all in 1 space – not easy to find! Most spaces we looked at were great, but none of them had access to running water. We finally stumbled upon a posting for space in the old John Law building which had just been purchased by Historica Developments. The available space on the 4th floor once housed Cobalt Fine Art gallery a few years back and was a nice bright space. Running water was a problem as was the dark room. We noticed the smaller space next door was empty as well, and we asked Historica about it. In the end, we were able to get both spaces and Historica built us a dark room, and installed running water so we could put our wash out booth in the room as well.
The office has nice wooden beams, hardwood floors and large windows that let in lots of sunshine.
Our work space in the room next door now houses our screen printing press and dryers, plus our dark room and wash out booth. It’s great to have it all in one location now! With a little paint, and rearranging a few times we are finally set up just right.