Halftones are the saving grace of the of the screen printing world, they’ll make your project cheaper, they’ll save us time, and they look awesome! Let me explain, a halftone is a pattern of dots that is used to create the illusion of a colour that isn’t actually present.
Take a look at the picture below, you can see that the trees show up as solid white followed by two separate shades of pink, blue and green respectively. This was achieved by printing a solid white and two different white halftones (the further apart the dots are the more of the background colour comes through).

You can see something similar in this Picaroons shirt too. This design only uses two colours, a solid maroon and an off-white in various halftones which creates all of the different shades and gradients we can see in the artwork. Using halftones saved them from having to pay for several extra colours.

If we look closely we can see that the halftone pattern is visible. By allowing both colours to show we’ve created an illusion of a colour instead of creating a true solid colour. Check out the close up shot of the banner, we can see that the red outline is a solid colour and that the grey interior is made from a halftone pattern.
If you have any question about halftones, or would like to get a FREE quote you can comment below, give us a call at (506) 642-6563, or shoot us an email.
It was really informative information here.It was hard but nice blog post here.we are really need this types of information.thanks…