Open by appointment only.


The Magic of Halftones

Halftones are the saving grace of the of the screen printing world, they’ll make your project cheaper, they’ll save us time, and they look awesome! Let me explain, a halftone is a pattern of dots that is used to create the illusion of a colour that isn’t actually present. Take a look at the picture below, you can … Read more

Screen Printing Photographs

Printing photos on t-shirts is very similar to printing a graphic (for our purposes this is any art piece that is not a photo), and with a high quality photo you can get a very nice shirt. Black and white photo prints are very simple and treated as a 1-colour job, where the “black” is … Read more

Domestic Apparel: Shirts Made in Canada

You have a lot of options when choosing exactly which brand of shirt you want to print on. Sometimes you need the one with the best price, sometimes you need a specific cut. But what if you need something made right here, in Canada? Although your options might not be as numerous as with shirts … Read more

Branding a T-shirt With Tags

Adding tags can be a fantastic way to give your shirts a more professional look, and another point of branding. The easiest way to do this is to have your printer print tags on the inside neck of the shirts and cut out the old ones. Some shirts, like the Jerico 55, have tear away … Read more

T-Shirts as a Marketing Tool

From high schoolers walking around with Nike logos emblazoned on their chests, to the servers at your favourite lunch spot sporting the restaurant iconography on their backs, chances are you see a load of branded t-shirts day to day. Businesses big and small use them as a highly efficient marketing tool. They’re cheap and easy to … Read more

The Importance of Design

Regardless of what the purpose of your shirt is, be it employee uniforms, retail products or free promotional items – you want them to look good. Why? Simple: people are drawn to things that they like. So what is good? Good is whatever puts your brand, product or event in the best light. These things are … Read more

How to Have the Best Screen Printing Experience

OK, you’ve decided that getting some shirts printed is worth the investment (and trust me, it is) but what do you do from here? While you don’t need to know anything about screen printing to get a great product, having some background knowledge can help reduce your turnaround time and ensure minimal revisions. Here’s a … Read more

What a year it’s been

Starting a new business can be many things: scary, rewarding, intimidating, liberating. If you asked me in 2011 where Printworks would be in 3 years, I would have probably said “hopefully still in business”. Well, we’ve certainly achieved that lofty goal! We’re still in business all right, and are close to becoming the number one … Read more

Local Artist Series

Our local artist series currently includes t-shirt designs from 4 Saint John artists. Hee Young Park, a recent graduate of St. Malachy’s High School, Doug Belding, an artist and graphic designer, Kilgore Trout, artist/illustrator, and Scott Marshall, designer/illustrator. We think Saint John has a lot of great qualities and we decided to have Hee Young … Read more

It Starts with a Sketch

We were excited to welcome local artist Enchan Endo into our studio last month to work on a fun little project. For those of you who don’t know Enchan, he is an amazing illustrator and artist that creates truly unique and inspiring pieces. We love his work! A few years ago, Enchan had sketched an … Read more

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